Friday, 27 April 2012

Freya Catmur-Hill's Evaluation - Question Two

Question Two - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?
In our video we tried to incorporate Richard Dyers Star theory which is used in actual media products. It means that a certain per cent of the video has to be close ups of the artist. This promotes the artist and is used as a branding element. We stuck to the conventions of a music video by doing this as a lot of the videos in our genre that we looked at did this.
With our digipak we stuck to a theme. We thought this would be more memorable and it made all of our products match. The digipak has blocks bright colours and silhouettes which we had made on Photoshop as the front and back images. For the inside, we used shots from the video of Chloe and Jessica who play the best friends, this made the link of people coming together which is the theme of our song. I believe our digipak does conform to the norms of real products as we tried to make it memorable and stand out, but the use of the bright colours would not be seen on most. The font we used, Helvetica, is commonly used in the media business as it is clear but also aesthetically pleasing. Calvin Harris, who is the artist of our song, always produces songs that are very upbeat and funky. We have tried to show this in the digipak with the colour, we also show class because of the simple text and the silhouettes of the women. The idea of our CD cover was to be clear, simple and bold. I feel we managed to create this as I do not feel that it is overcrowded.
Our magazine advert sticks to the same theme so the audience can make the link between the two products, also in our music video we use a section of bright block colour on our lips, at the beginning and when we used green screen. Our magazine advert again used the silhouettes to create an abstract image which again shows people coming together. We looked at other magazine adverts to look at the classical conventions and we saw that a lot have ratings from either celebrity’s in the business or companies that relate to the music industry or to the genre of the album/artist. We used this idea to promote our product. For the audience to see that what they are potentially buying has already been given a rating by someone or something they trust it makes them more likely to buy it.
Overall the combination of all our products together I think is very effective. Both the digipak and the advert are very easily recognisable as being linked because of the editing of both, the colour and the pictures. The digipak has pictures taken from our music video which also show our main message of our video which is people coming together in all different ways.

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