Wednesday 18 April 2012

Jessica's Evaluation Question 3

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback was very important in the production of our music video as it gave us the thoughts of others from the class. Also we got some idea’s from the feedback we gathered with things that we could include, which would make the video look more effective. This helped us as a group realise what looked good and what didn’t. It is easier for another person who is not within our group to see what works and what doesn’t, which helped us remove some scenes or ideas that didn’t fit with the music or the main idea.

Altogether we have gathered feedback 3 times during the process of creating our music video. Firstly after our PowerPoint presentation of initial idea, then after our animatic we created and then after our rough cut copy of the music video. The video was not yet complete at this stage so changes could be made if necessary.

 After we had showed our rough-cut version of our music video there were a number of things that we could improve to make look more effective. These were things like using more close up shots of the Cake fight to actually see the cakes flying. Other people said similar things so in the end we decided to take out the cake scene as our filming wasn’t very clear and it was hard to tell that we were having a cake fight. Also the way that it shot there wasn’t enough variety in it simply because we had a long shot and a few close ups. Most importantly it didn’t have any relevance to the music and the rest of the video.

The clubbing scene was brought up the most from the feedback. From the audience point of view this scene went on for too long and got a bit boring after a while. Also because it was only at one angle it wasn’t interesting or exciting for the audience. If we wanted to keep it in we would have to get more close up shots from the club, which would be difficult as not many people would want to be filmed at a club. Eventually after having a meeting we decide to take the clubbing scene out as we felt it wasn’t a strong piece of footage and also had no relevance.

 Some positive feedback that we receive from our video was the filming of the iPad. We also felt that it is a strong piece of footage and also looks very clever. To make it look more impressive our feedback from the audience suggested using split screen. We tried this and it works very well.

 By gathering this feedback from our demographic it has made us improve our music video for the better, to make it look like a music video you would find on the TV. Also the feedback gave us idea that would help us finish the video more quickly as we felt like we had run out of ideas at one point.!question-3

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