Wednesday 18 April 2012

Jessica's Evaluation Question 2

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text

To create a recognisable and effective image for our ancillary text to suit our target audience we used a number of different techniques. The similar techniques we used, to make the images unforgettable in the audience’s minds would help them distinguish what products we have created. This would also create a brand for our main product and ancillary text.  In our main product we used a variety of bright colours that would stand out the most from the music video, we took this into consideration and used the same bright colours on our ancillary text. This would make our brand recognisable for people who are interested in buying our product.

The bright colours we used were from a piece of footage that we created where Freya was standing in front of a green screen with a heart coming closer and closer together.
We the used this footage and using the editing software we changed the green screen into flashing different colours.

Also the colours from the balloons that we used in our music video gave us the inspiration of using bright colours on our ancillary text. Using similar colours and images from the main product on the ancillary text will make our brand become identifiable and memorable to our audience. Using these bright colours will also make our Magazine advert and CD cover catch people’s attention and stand out on the shelves of shops. 

Also when I did research into our genre (Pop/House) CD covers and adverts I found that bright colours are used the majority of the time. I found this with the Calvin Harris album and Mika album. So we thought that it would be a good idea to use this technique within our products.

Another technique that was used on both the digi-pack and the magazine advert was silhouettes. We came up with this idea when we found a picture on the Internet that used silhouettes with a funky background.

This image inspired us to use silhouettes on our CD cover and advert. First of all we took pictures of Chloe and Freya doing different shapes on the green screen. 
We then cut out the background and made it white, which left the image of the pose. 
Then once we had our outline it was easy to fill the whole image black which then created a silhouette. 
Because we thought the silhouettes we created looked really effective we used them on the CD cover and advert. The idea of silhouettes we thought would also look really effective in our music video. So we got a couple to do some cute movement for example cuddle and kiss behind a green screen. We then shone a light from behind them and got a shadow effect. 

.First of all we tried silhouettes of Jack and Sarah (our couple) but we agreed that they didn’t look as effective as the one’s 

of Chloe and Freya.

Also because the genre of our music was House and most other album covers of this genre had pictures of sexy girls nearly naked, we thought our silhouette of Freya and Chloe would match the genre better. 

The rest of the digi-pack matched the style and carried on the same colours. For the insert artwork on the digi-pack we used the lips from our music video and cut them out using Photoshop to make them more colourful and also change the background colour to match the colours on the front and back of the CD cover.

Finally the inside of our digi-pack relates more to the music video rather than the typical conventions of house music CD covers.

The images that are on the inside of our digi-pack come straight from the music video so they are very recognisable to anyone that has seen the music video before. Also as we have a lot of forest footage in our video it would make sense to use some images for the rest of the digi-pack. The images that are used are two separate pictures, but with the help of Photoshop we have merged them together to make it look like one image. It also creates a mirror of the same tree but with two different girls that are seen in the music video.

The actual CD itself matches the outside of the digi-pack. This is a typical convention of albums because if the CD is not with the case then you can instantly tell what case it belongs to. 
The same silhouettes, colours and fonts are all used on our magazine advert to keep our branding the same. Except we have moved around the images to make it look a little to different to the CD cover because no CD cover and album advert is the same but just similar.

Overall I feel that we had made a very effective and recognisable ancillary text and main product. We have used intertextuality to get the main ideas for our products for example the image of the silhouettes and also the other album covers we researched into. Although our products don’t look anything like an existing advert or cover we have made sure we have followed the typical conventions of house genre and feel that it mates with our demographic.
A strength of the ancillary text is using the bright colours as I feel it will stand out on a shelf in a shop and also if someone was to flick past the advert in a magazine. This was the effect we wanted to create from the beginning and have actually followed this through.

A weakness of the ancillary text is that we could of used a more distinctive font rather than a normal bold font that you see on every poster. I feel this could have given our products that edge that would make potential buyer more interested. 

Please look at my Wix website!question-2

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