Wednesday 25 January 2012

Inside of album

This is the inside to our album. For the CD, we wanted to carry on the theme of the front cover with the stripes, so we just opened the stripy background we had already made and dragged it over the template. From this, we then added text to the CD. It was my idea to have 'CLOSE' in the middle so that the whole in the CD could act as the 'O' in close. From this, it was hard to think of what to go either side of the CD. Then i remembered that quite a bit of our video was shot in the forest with Chloe and Jess. When we shot in the forest, it was a nice day so the sun was shining through the trees and I remember taking pictures of Chloe and Jess on either side of a tree. 

I took the two pictures of Chloe and Jess and placed them either side of the CD. I then fit both pictures to the correct size. We then had the problem of the tree's covering the stripy background on the CD. To correct this, I opened just the CD in Photoshop separately, right clicked and selected 'layer via cut'. I then deleted the layer and the background was transparent. I dragged the CD back onto the template and the background was of the trees and the stripes on the CD were still there. 

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