Thursday 19 January 2012

CD cover background

We have decided that we want out background to be multi coloured in order for the silhouette figures to stand out. The text that goes over the background will also be multi coloured. To create the muliti-coloured effect I opened a black document on photoshop, used the rectangular marquee tool and selected a square block on the black sheet.

It created this effect.
Once this was done, I selected 2 colours using the colour picker, one lighter than the other one, and then used the gradient tool to have the top darker than the bottom. This effect will make the silhouette figures at the bottom stand out more than it would if the background was one block of colour. 

I repeated this effect 3 more times with different colours. 
This is the final background that will be used. 

This is the background so far. What we plan to do next is to have the letters L, O and S in the middle of the lines as the word CLOSE as a whole does not fit into the 4 colours. What we thought would be a good idea would to make the L, O and S multi-coloured. For example, the L will be pink on the orange side and orange on the pink side so the colours are corresponding. 

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