Tuesday 10 January 2012

Group Meeting

In this weeks meeting, the group and I discussed what we would be filming next time we film and when that may be. We have, as a group, decided that we are next going to film in a week or so once we have decided on some things we want to include in out music video. As the music video has developed, we have  thought of things that we could include in our video one of which is more stop motion. We feel we need to make our video more conceptual. Due to the results of the audience feedback, people in our class thought that our video was too random and we needed to make it more conceptual. During our meeting, we have discussed what we want to do with the stop motion. We think it will be a good idea to have a person standing in front of a green screen, having 2 broken in half, stop motion hearts traveling up their arm  to match the lyrics in the song "I wear my heart upon my sleeve". The 2 halves will meet in the middle and on "big deal" Get bigger to represent the heart beating. For now this is just an idea, but may develop into being used for the music video. Another idea we had was to make a sign saying "Free Hugs" and to stand in a crowded place and have passer-byers hugging us as this shows people coming together and feeling close to one another which is the main idea of our music video, people feeling close to one another. In the next week or so, as a group, we are going to come together and think of more ideas for our video to make it more conceptual and interesting.

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