Thursday 5 January 2012

Audience Feedback 4/1/12

We showed the class our rough cut of our video and below is the feedback we got bullet pointed.

  • Cake fight looked better when close shots are used - maybe do it again with more variety.
  • Perhaps club shots last too long- get more because it is only one angle/thing.
  • Less shots of club/party.
  • Bit too much of club, iPad idea is very clever.
  • I think you should use more close ups of the lips, the lip syncing was really good.
  • Add reference to the song there is too many random ideas.
  • Mix up club shots with close ups of people in the club. 
  • Cake fight was better close up- too much club and a bit too random.
  • I don't really understand the concept iPad was very good and footage of people walking. 
  • Develop iPad idea-split screen- loose the club footage. 
From the feedback we received we can now work on things that everyone told us could do with some improvement. The fact that everyone who gave us feedback are in the age range of our target audience helps us to get the video exactly what we're aiming for. The majority of people were telling us about how we should cut our some of the club scene and add a more conceptual element to our video. Also they commented on how our iPad idea was very clever and interesting so we may add in more elements of this and use it in different ways. 

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