Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Practice Ideas for Music Video

Here are our practice shots of the 'i-Pad idea'. We used the same effect but on our i-Pods. As you can see it looks as if the bodies and faces of the girls have switched places. We have done this by recording the top half of their bodies on an iPod singing and then when we play that video in front of a video camera we got this effect. We thought we could use this in our video but obviously we would use something bigger than an iPod for example an iPad which is bigger and it will make it look more effective.

We used the same sort of idea with the above video. As you can see one of us is behind the i-Pod making the same sort of facial expressions as is on the screen so the effect is made that you can see their mouth through the i-Pod, but in actual fact it is someone else's mouth. One of our main ideas has been to use the idea of close up shots of lips (with diamonds or colours on the lips), but we felt this is a more interesting way of doing so. We really like this effect and we want to use this in our music video.

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