Wednesday 19 October 2011

Costume ideas and shot ideas

Whilst watching some videos by Beyonce I found some shots and costumes that might be good to use for our video.

The image below shows her glittery skin which is another idea we would like to use in our video.
^ This image is similar to our idea of using lips       
This first image is obviously a close up of the artists lips whilst she is singing, which is an idea we previously had and the sparkle on her skin which is shown on the below image is an idea I would like to use as well. 

There is a lyric in our song which is about 'surrounds me like a waterfall', we have some other ideas for this lyric but the above costume moves like water when wind is blown on it. Also the movement of the costume surrounds her so I feel this could be a very good way of linking the lyrics with the visuals. 

I think this a very good costume to use for our video as it holds connotations of passion and holds a sexual element which links to our song as it is all about feeling close to someone in a certain moment. Also the background is red so that also connotates passion and love.

I feel the above reflection image is a powerful image and I would like to incorporate it into our video. The idea of reflection links to a variety of different things, firstly it links to the idea of water as you can see your reflection in water which is an idea that we are using throughout. Also it incorporates the idea of reflecting back on things that have happened, which could mean relationships which also links into our video. 

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