Thursday 24 November 2011

Media trip notes

On Wednesday 16th of November, my media class and I went on a trip to Rickmix Education in Brick Lane. Once we arrived, we were ushered ino a theatre room where we were then seated. We were welcomed by Thalia Cassimatis, the Rickmix Education Officer. She then introducted Pete Fraser, who was presenting our morning session. Here is what was included in the morning session:

What is a music video?
  • It lasts the length of the song, sometimes longer
  • Generally features the artist
  • Can tell a story but it does not have to
  • Needs to be visually memorable and worth repeat viewings
1981- The rise of MTV

The track exists first and the visual.
Music video's started of as feature films.
We were shown Len Lye- A colour box, which is a mini feature film made by an the artist Len Lye

We were then shown a feature film from Nat King Cole- Frim Fram Sauce. In the feature film, we see features of the male gaze when the camera pans up a womens legs, which wasn't common in feature films of that time. We also see Nat King Cole looking at himself singing in a 'Soundie'. Soundies were video juke boxes in diners.
Scopitones were later started in France. Scopitones were a more modern version of a Soundie.
1960- Mainstream videos became more popular

We were shown The Beatles first feature film- hard days night.
The feature film is made for promotional videos for tours as well as to give the band an image.

By 1970, feature films began to become more popular with bands. However, in 1981 MTV was dominated by British acts. Many of which were male. Although, this was the start of the breakthrough for women. Madonna made a breakthrough and budjets started to go out. Black acts found it hard to get their videos made, which meant that no black acts appeared on MTV. Although, it did not take long for Michael Jackson to be the first black act to appear on MTV. His first feature film, Thriller was shown on MTV.

After Michael Jackson's appearence on MTV, black music became more popular. Acts such as Jay-Z (99 probmels) and 50 Cent (Candy shop) made a huge breakthrough.
Method of analysis-Andrew Goodwin
  • Genre Characteristsics
  • Visual relationship with lyrics and music
  • Need to see the atrist as the star- star image is important
  • Voyeurism/looking- frames within frames
  • Intertextuality
Pete went on to talk about 'Mash ups' of music videos, Machinima. We watched various video's such as a Sims version of Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce, Lego Starwars and a 'mash up' of Michael Jackson's Thriller, made by prison cell mates. We also watched Dangermouse-The Grey Video.

We then talked about World Wide Web Cam which is where people make home videos and upload to YouTube. Low budget films have been made by many different people such as Cellpone Sky by The Turn Back. The video was shot entirely on an iPhone.
Roles of technology and money have changed hugely:
  • Roles of technology and money
  • Conventions and characteristics
  • Viewing contexts-Where and how we watch music videos.
Top Ten Tips
0. Limber Up:
  • Do some exercises with found footage
  • Lipsync
  • Do a karaoke multi angle
  • Remake an existing video
1. Choose a track
  • Can be a mistake to go for well know artist/your favourite artist
  • Make it short
2. Write a treatment (Pitch)
  • Pitch for the material with a strong and simple idea
  • Have a clear concept
  • Be realistic
3. Plan for everything
  • Storyboard
  • People, places, props, costume
  • Shoot early
  • Rehearsed-know the words
4. Set up a Blog
  • Use it to link to ideas
  • Videos that influence you
  • Research the genre in detail
  • Photos that give you ideas
  • Location shots
  • Anamatic of your story board
  • Put all your ideas on an e-notebook
5. Know the equipment
  • Test Shots
  • Check the camera
  • Tripod
  • Make sure the tape is loaded
  • Do you know the editing software
  • Make sure u have the music and an audiable source e.g. i.pod or stereo
6. The shoot
  • Shoot the performance at least 10 different times with different set ups
  • Make plenty of cuts
  • Experiment with different angles
  • Lots of close-ups
  • Enthuse your performers
  • Shoot more than you think you will need
7. Capture your footage
  • Lable everything you capture
  • Organise it so it is easy to find
  • Dont capture stuff you don't need
  • Break it into manageable chunks
8. The edit
  • Synch up performances first
  • Get the whole picture rather than tiny detail
  • Cut and Cut again
  • Aim for a dynamic piece of work
  • Effects work-LAST!
  • Upload a rough cut to your blog and get feedback
9. Screening
  • Big Screen
  • Get feedback
  • Upload to your blog via YouTube
  • Get the artist to look and give you feedback
10. Analysis
  • Evaluation!
  • Take advice
Before the lunch break we were played a song 'No Rest' and our task over lunchtime was to prepare a pitch for the music video.

Afternoon Session

When we returned to the theatre after lunch, we were introduced to Liz Kessier, a video producer and Corin Hardy, a music video director. We began the afternoon session by telling Corin, School by school, our pitch for the music video we heard before lunch. Corin and Liz then gave feedback and told each school what they thought of the different ideas. Corine then showed us a few of the music video's he had directed, low budget and high budget. E.g. A couple of Olly Murs' videos, Britney spears and a few not as well known groups.

We were told about product placement- A brand pay money to advertise their product in the music video. To finish off the session, Corin told us a bit about being a director and how he got to be a music director.  

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