Friday 25 November 2011

From MTV to YouTube Trip

As a class we went to Brick Lane to a place called RichMix. We listened to the head of the examining board talk about music videos which would hopefully help us in our coursework.

History of Music - Music Videos
A music video last the lenth of the song (sometimes longer)
Normally it will feature the artist in the video
They can sometimes tell stories
Music videos need to have an impact on the audience to make them watch is again.

The first time music videos were experimented with was in the 1930's
This was the colour box, Len Lye created which turned out to be sponsored by the Post Office. The music was being shown throught the videos. Most of the images Lye ued were scracted onto plastics.

In the 1940's music videos were developed. The video juke box was created which meantas songs were being played, the juke box would also show a promotional film. 4000 of were installed round the united states. Many people thought that some of the films being shown were 'too sexy' to be shown. Nat King Coles promotional video shown performance and also a male gaze where the camera tilted up the woman. this video also showed screen in screen visuals which was very advanced editing.

The 1960's brought a new development in the video jukebox which was the new colour image on it. this was called the scopitone. most of these were created in France. there was a very low budget in making music videos but with the new colour screen, real promotional videos started to get made by big artist like Elvis Presley and the Beatles. The Beatles video was taken from a film but camera tricks like slow motion and fast motion were used.

Music videos really started to take off in the 1970's and the 1980's after Queens - Bohemian Rhapsody took of and people relised that making these videos could make some money. shortly after MTV was made wich showed ownly british artist for the first 2 years.

The first music video to be shown on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star, and soon after people like Madness with there vidoe our house. Madonna was the first female artist to be shown and Micheal Jackson was the first black man to be shown on MTV. After people started to love Jackson, people realised that there was money to be made in black music. and now today people like 50 Cent and Jay-Z are very well respected.

we then went over Andrew Goodwins Theory which had already covered in class. he then gave us Ten Top Tips on how to do well in the exam.

0. Limber Up:
1. Choose a track
2. Write a treatment (Pitch) 
3. Plan for everything
4. Set up a Blog
5. Know the equipment
6. The shoot
7. Capture your footage
8. The edit
9. Screening
10. Analysis

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