Tuesday 22 November 2011

Trip to RichMix

A trip was organised for all Media students in our year to go to a place in Brick Lane called Rich Mix. I went onto the Rich Mix website to see what it was about before we went on the trip. The website says that
Rich Mix is a charity and social enterprise that offers live music, film, dance, theatre, comedy, spoken word and a range of creative activities for people of all ages and all cultures". We went to the there to listen to speeches from a variety of different people who were involved in the Media Industry. The first part of the trip was all to do with the history of music videos.

History of the Music Video

The typical conventions of a music video are:
  • It lasts the length of the song (or longer)
  • Generally features the artist but sometimes doesn't.
  • Can tell a story
  • Needs to be visually memorable, worth repeat viewings

-Video started in the 1930's where people started experimenting with film.
-Colour Box- Len Lye:- This is a video advertising the Post Office. They sponsored the people to create the videos if they advertised the Post Office.
   -The video was made with images being scratched on

From MTV to Youtube

What is a music video? 

  1. Last the length of a song but sometimes longer
  2. Features the artist of the song
  3. It can tell a story
  4. Needs to be visually memorable so people want watch it again

History of Music Videos
Experimenting with film in the 1930s
Colour Box - Len Lye 

  • Music is being shown through the visuals
  • Quick movement
  • Funding from GPO
  • Following the rhythm of the music

Images of the first music video, people began to experiment by scratching images on the film.

Experimenting with music in the 1940s


  • Juke Box were installed in 4,000 diners in the USA
  • The song was withdrawn because it was to sexy straight after the war
  • Black + White
  • Performance based
  • Performer watching themselves on screen
  • Ladies legs shown (The Male Gaze)

Experimenting with music in the 1960s 
  • Colour Images
  • Performance
  • Feature the artist
  • Tells a mini story
  • Low budget
  • Feature dancing

The Beetle's - Hard Days Night 

  • Wacky
  • Showcase for song
  • Give band an image
  • 60's bands made promotional videos for tours

Experimenting with music in the 1970s


  • Band have small film for latest release

Madness - Our House 
  • Wacky
  • Speeded up footage
  • Song relates to the visuals
  • Performed in a house

History of MTV

  • Created in 1981
  • Was dominated by British acts
  • 1st song played on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star
  • Madonna broke through as the first female artist on MTV
  • Set a new level
  • No market for black music
  • Michael Jackson only black act on MTV
  • First black song was Thriller which made millions
  • Then MTV decide to make different channels for different genres of music
50 Cent - Candy Shop 

  • All a dream
  • Displays sexuality
  • Features a Big house, Bling and Super Models
  • Characteristics for MTV

Jay-Z 99 Problems 

  • Pushed things to the edge
  • Displayed violence
  • Sexual display

Genre Characteristics 
Boy Bands- Dress the same, include a dance routine, keep to the characteristics 

Rock - Live Performance (sometimes made up) 
Country Western - Video Outdoors, in the sunlight 

Star Image
  • The star features again and again
  • Demand to have a lot of close ups of the star
  • 75% of the video should be of the star

Voyeurism 'the look' 
  • Male point of view
  • Female on display looked at by males
  • Screens within screens
  • Madonna watching herself on display
  • Madonna as Marylin Monroe
  •   Robbie Williams as James Bond

Started to show mash up of videos example Footage from Hard Days Night with Jay Z music 
Telephone - video made using the sims 
Lego videos - videos made with Lego characters 
Homemade videos - Thriller video made by inmates in a prison (people sometimes prefer watching them more than the actual video)
Also homemade videos are made with a very ow budget but can be very funny

Summing Up

  • A long history of music videos
  • Technology + money are big inputs
  • Conventions + Characteristics
  • Where and how we watch (Viewing Contexts)

10 Tips for making a Music Video

Tip 0

  • Do some exercise with 'found footage'
  • Lipsync with old student footage
  • Do a karaoke using different angles
Tip 1 
  • Choose a track
  • Can be a mistake choosing a well known track
Tip 2
  • Pitch for the material
  • Have a clear concept
  • Be realistic
Tip 3
  • Storyboard your video
  • Plan people, places, props and costumes
  • Get every ones mobile numbers
  • Shoot early
  • Know the words
Tip 4
  • Link ideas
  • Photos of location
  • Animatic of storyboard
Tip 5 
  • Test shots
  • Make sure you have tripod
  • Is the tape loaded
  • Do you know the edit program
  • Need music with you
Tip 6 
  • 10 performances shoot from different set ups
  • Plenty of cutaways
  • Experiment with angles
  • Close ups
  • Much more than you think you need
Tip 7
  • Label all the shots
Tip 8
  • Cut and cut again
  • Do any effects last
  • Get feedback
Tip 9 
  • Big screen premiere
  • Get feedback
  • Upload to blog + YouTube
  • Get artist to look and give feedback
Tip 10 
  • Analysis

Product Placement

People pay money to advertise their products in the video
In Britney's video she sprayed her own perfume on herself and is also wearing
                                                                                         a brand watch

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