Wednesday 14 December 2011

Week Ten Meeting

This week we have mainly been focusing on the album cover design and also creating a rough copy of our music video ready for our Thursday's lesson where we can show our progress and then get feedback. I think it's very important for our group to get feedback as we can make things better and also get more ideas from our target audience, which is 15-18.
We haven't yet finished filming because we are struggling to find a boy that would be in our video. But after our meeting today we have brought some other idea's forward to try out so it will fill in the gaps that are missing. The idea that we had is to have a paint fight and also flick paint at a blank wall that will spell out 'Feel So Close' which is the title of our song.
We plan to film this over the christmas holidays at Ashlee's House as she is decorating her room and would be a good opportunity. We will use what we film for the album cover and also for the end of our music video.

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